That's Funny
The Last Time
When was the last time you used humor to your advantage in the classroom?
When were you most successful in telling a joke to break the ice, or what humor best connected to a recent lesson? Is it a recurring thing— something you always use with that unit? Or was there a spontaneous use of humor that really helped students connect with you and/or a topic?
The Next Time
Take advantage of the next time you can use humor to help connect with students.
Most teachers use humor each and every day in class— multiple times a day at that. It is well-known that students, and people in general, connect in a social setting when sharing a joke or a funny experience. For that upcoming lesson where you have humor planned or the next instance a joke lands well, cement that connection by immediately following up with a key concept. That opening in the minutes to follow is a sweet spot for learning. Link the current topic to best embed your point.